Few months back....
public holidays...oh ya is LABOUR day...1st of May~
we finally went on a trip...a day trip to PangKor i-land...
roughly plan only..
2 hands fing fing can go already...
hmm...how many of us ar...let me think think....
quite some times already....
*i'm forgetful, juz in case u dunno*
yeah~ 5 of us..
1 myvi, 小灰...
really hard wanna recall back...
really hard wanna recall back...
started where? when? how?
i juz remmeber ah yan drive...drive...drive.... =.=
passed by somewhere ipoh...my dad homedown...
最差新村...=.= (actually is Chui Chak)
最差新村...=.= (actually is Chui Chak)
i juz saw my fav clouds along the way~~
just nice....as good as my mood...^^
we have breakfast here...
we have breakfast here...
somewhere ipoh...
she still very active....can V ^^
after breakfast continue drive drive drive...
no car geh...the road so long.....
we still managed to get our lunch at somewhere....
called SItiawan...
(eat again?? yeah~ we eat again.....-.-)
cincai spell only....hehe...
eat full full jor....people, can we continue our journey....
our day trip called Pangkor i-land...
not jalan-jalan cari makan ar.... >.<
i saw the word 'JETI'.... YES!!!
is 3pm? phew, half day gone... still consider a day trip?
we still not reach the destination yet wor.....
fast fast fast........
terminal Jeti....im coming~
jang jang*** Terminal Jeti
PangKor ar..........
PangKor ar..........
i finally get there...
so so so so so happy lo......
looooooooooong time no go for vacation jor~~
with my fanshussss frensss
sook: " i'm happy i'm happy i'm happy... "
sook: " wooo...leave me alone....i'm so lonely....i hav no body....i'm on my own....aaaaaaaaaaaa........."

ahyan: " shut up... i'm here...WE ARE THE BEST...."
beach: damn damn damn hot.... afternoon 3++ 4pm, went to the beach....
sook: "cutie cat...miao miao miao...."
miao: "go away n dun kacau u stupid..."
sook: -.-
oh ya....
oh ya....
people lets see this....
guess what.....
still got working hours ler...
but the pump.....
"zap jor la........."
walk walk walk....
time for dinner lur....^^
YES u're right~ we eat again.....
YY: "we are the fish lover..."
sook: "that is all for the PangKor i-land 1 day trip...."
when is our next trip ar.....
im waiting im waiting im waiting.....
i Love u guys~
muack muack...
"zap jor la........." Hahaha laugh until beh tahan...
You got a nice trip and also nice picture. Enjoy hor =)
i like travelling...
is really fun~ when we are with the correct person...
i laugh non stop too...
especially the petrol station....
we really looks for petrol and we found that -.-muahahahahha.....
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